The best blackjack counting system for beginners is the Hi/Lo Count. It's the easiest card counting method and allows you to start counting as mistake-free as possible. I recommend avoiding other systems until you can use the Hi/Lo Count perfectly.
The best blackjack counting system for beginners is the Hi/Lo Count. It's the easiest card counting method and allows you to start counting as mistake-free as possible. I recommend avoiding other systems until you can use the Hi/Lo Count perfectly.
Two questions:
1. Do Indian Casinos usually have alot of Heat in the pit? I mean there was basically 0 at Soaring Eagle, but then again it was all CSMs....
2. Which Counting System should I use: Arnold Synders Red 7 or Hi/Lo? The only difference I can see is that you need TC for Hi/Lo and just use True Edge for Red 7. Does either have a slightly greater edge?
Thanks alot guys, and honestly if you want you can just give me one word answers here.
Best Blackjack Counting System
For example, if aces are side counted in the Omega II count and properly used to adjust the true count it can improve the BC from 0.92 to 0.99. 3) BC = Betting Correlation 4) PE = Playing Efficiency 5) IC = Insurance Correlation 6) SUM = SUM OF POINT VALUES = (A+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9).4 + (T.16) If SUM = 0 then count is balanced! Best Card Counting System There are many different blackjack card-counting systems but they all have the same objective: to provide a simple method of calculating when the odds are in your favor and therefore when you should increase your stake on a particular hand.